Graph SLAM with Example Code
def main(): print(__file__ + " start!!") time = 0.0 # RFID positions [x, y, yaw] RFID = np.array([[10.0, -2.0, 0.0], [15.0, 10.0, 0.0], [3.0, 15.0, 0.0], [-5.0, 20.0, 0.0], [-5.0, 5.0, 0.0] ]) # State Vector [x y yaw v]' xTrue = np.zeros((STATE_SIZE, 1)) xDR = np.zeros((STATE_SIZE, 1)) # Dead reckoning # history hxTrue = [] hxDR = [] hz = [] d_time = 0.0 init = False main에서 변수를 초기화하는 부분입니다. RFID..
2021. 10. 27.
여러 종류의 칼만필터(Family members of Kalman Filter)(EnKF)
Ensemble Kalman Filter Ensemble Kalman Filter 는 PythonRobotics 예제코드 위주로 진행해보겠습니다. def main(): print(__file__ + " start!!") time = 0.0 # RF_ID positions [x, y] RF_ID = np.array([[10.0, 0.0], [10.0, 10.0], [0.0, 15.0], [-5.0, 20.0]]) # State Vector [x y yaw v]' xEst = np.zeros((4, 1)) xTrue = np.zeros((4, 1)) px = np.zeros((4, NP)) # Particle store of x xDR = np.zeros((4, 1)) # Dead reckoning # hi..
2021. 8. 19.